If we are enough disciplined we will add some stories on this page…
But you should better check on our social media’s accounts (Instragram, FaceBook) for the latest news…
April 2022:
Happy Easter!!!
Our Registration is open
May 1st 2022:
Registration closed, Riders who registered have till May 15 to send us their motivation…
May 18 2022:
We have selected our riders for this year’s Edition.
Stay tuned we will revealed beginning of June the list of our 2022’s Riders
June 27 2022:
Lists of 2022’s participants are online on our website under “who is in?”
A small selections of Motivations we got are shown on our Instagram page…
July 22 2022:
Our list of Collect Points are actualized on Race Manual v. 2.6 ….don’t forget to tell us BEFORE AUGUST 15 where you pick up your Startingbox….
– BoldaiR, Delémont: rue du Haut-Fourneau 1, 2800 Delémont (boldairsport.ch)
– Voyage Cycling Store, Basel : Grenzacherstrasse 10, 4058 Basel (voyagecyclingstore.ch)
– Bike Passion, Genève: rue Pictet-de-Bock 5, 1205 Genève (bike-passion.ch)
– Atelier Ride Far, Echandens : rue de la Petite Forge 21, 1026 Echandens, (www.ridefar.ch)
– Tac Tac Cycling, Bern: Gotthelfstrasse 3, 3013 Bern (www.tac-tac.com)
– Cycle Store, Zürich: Werdmühleplatz 4, 8001 Zürich (www.cyclestorezurich.com)
– Kutscher Haus, St. Gallen: Kleinbergstrasse 1, 9000 St. Gallen (deadendsandcake.ch)
August 1 2022:
Velosophe Beer will be our Finisher beer for the 3rd time! Thank you!!!
August 09 2022:
Race Manual v. 3.0 online.
Please send us your Rider’s Agreement signed and your chosen Collect Point before August 15. Thanks!
August 31 2022:
After major problems with UPS, we finally received our trackers 5 days late.
The Starterboxes are finally ready and sent today to the different Collect Points.
Riders will be able to pick them up tomorrow. Phew!!!
September 1 2022:
Our web page “live streaming” is online and will allow anyone to follow the epic journey through the 26 cantons of our riders….less than one week to go!!!
September 13 2022:
Race is over, how great it was!
The best way to remember it is to check our Instagram account but on our page Pics to peek you can see some of our photos … 😉 Enjoy…