Rheinbrücke (Österreich)


Austria and Switzerland share 10% of borders, mainly spread along the Rhine. It is enough to dispute the home country of Heidi though…
Let’s rise above the rivalry…we discovered a bridge without cars for those who want to go and taste a alpine specialty, the Knödel. Some extra miles as it is off the course but a delicacy for your hungry tummies…
Our CP sign will be on the Austrian side, on the edge of the terrace of the charming little restaurant Roberto’s, but be careful! to get there, you’ll have to cross the bridge (and not riding from the Austrian side…).


47°27'53.3"N 9°35'40.3"E

Pont de Grilly (France)


We share nearly 30%  of our border with France, and in some places like Geneva, it looks like a Pacman game where the canton is almost entirely surrounded by France.

Look a the little beauty we found you, a small stone bridge dating from 1757 used by Madame de Staël to cross from her castle of Coppet to France.

An unpaved road will lead you there but that you will discover later…

Our CP sign will be on the French side, on the wall of the small customs house….

46°19'29.6"N 6°07'54.3"E

alte Rheinbrücke (Liechtenstein)


A bridge to time travel back to when kingdoms and monarchies surrounded the Confoederatio Helvetica.
Welcome to Liechtenstein is a semi-constitutional monarchy headed by the prince of Liechtenstein and bordered by Switzerland to the west and south and Austria to the east and north. 
It is Europe’s fourth-smallest country, with an area of just over 160 square kilometres. Small does not rhyme with flat… you are warned!
The CP is located just after the famous border bridge, on the other side of the roundabout, on a post in front of the “Vaduz Werkbetrieb” building.

47°07'56.4"N 9°30'39.6"E

Campione d'Italia (Italia)


Ah Italia…riding south towards it should always be a pleasure if it was not for the steep passes trying to discourage you to reach the country of the pasta and gelato.

It will will be a highly rewarding CP and we are sure you will thoroughly enjoy it…or not 🙂

This one too, it’s a “little Italia” enclave into Switzerland …

Wineout is a nice Enoteca and welcomes us for this CP.
Our sign will be posted in the left hand side of the terrace.


45°58'09.3"N 8°58'14.4"E


Büsingen am Hochrhein (Deutschland)


Switzerland shares 20% of its borders with its northern neighbour. It does not sound like much but it has a considerable influence on our country and mainly the (Swiss) German speaking regions. So it is up to our Swiss German friends to say whether it is too much or too little common border 🙂

Joke aside, did you know that Germany has an enclosed parcel of land in Switzerland?

Well, you will soon find out and easily bridge the gap between the two countries ! But beware,  it will be the only German route allowed in our race 😉 (Bridge to Gailingen am Hochrhein (D) is NOT allowed…)

Our CP sign will be on a post supporting a balcony, just to the left of the car park from the Hotel “alte Rheinmühle”.

47°41'45.3"N 8°41'15.0"E