We would like to thank you all for this incredible 2nd edition.
See you next year for a new original challenge!
SEPT 7-11 2022
We stay true to our initial concept. The challenge remains to ride your bike through all the different ‘Cantons’ as quickly as possible. But, unlike last year, we have decided to send you on culinary quest! There will be 7 mandatory checkpoints. The order won’t matter and will be decided based on your route, your legs and possibly your appetite ! Like last year, the Challenge will be to ride as quick as you can through Switzerland.
Ride through all of the 26 Cantons, ride fast but do not forget to punch you brevet card. And more so, make sure you take a bit of the different flavors we have put in this new recipe, you won’t regret it.
Being a Swiss race, there will be cheese and chocolate involved, but much more than that…and make sure to bring your good spirit and your appetite to the finish line for the traditional finisher party on the Sunday with all these tasty ingredients.