See you next year: Sept 11-15 2024

In 2024, we will hold our 5th edition of the SUCH!
So get ready…
This challenge will be WET, ARTISTIC, COMPLEX and above all FUN!

we’ll be unveiling it early 2024 …

stay tuned on our Instagram account!

Explore the Swiss confines...

We will stay true to our initial concept. 

The challenge remains to ride your bike through all the different ‘Cantons’ as quickly as possible. 

But this year, we’re taking Swiss history into account!

And of course, end up as usual with our famous Brunch on the Bundesplatz in Berne…

How it works?

-Departure from any Swiss railway station, Wednesday 11 Sept.

-Free route, still unsupported, that’s the spirit!

-Stamp your SUCH Brevetcard at our Checkpoints.

-Finish line at the Bundesplatz in Bern, at the latest on Sunday 15th Sept.
Brunch starts at noon ! 

THAT’S IT, easy-peasy no?