how it worked in 2021



start from a train station anywhere in Switzerland

A feature everyone liked in the first edition is the possibility to choose where you want to depart from.

All you have to do is decide on a train station anywhere in Switzerland and turn on your GPS device at 10:10am on September 8th 2021.

Take a picture of you and your bike, ideally  showing the train station’s clock and hit the road.



Your Ride

Only a non-assisted bike propelled by your own legs is allowed. Pairs are allowed to draft, others, unfortunately, will have to be very aero. The entire route has to remain within Switzerland, no border crossing allowed.

Your Route

It is entirely up to you as to which starting point you opt for and how you define the best route. Some are better at climbing, others faster on flat roads. As long as you ride through each of the 26 cantons, reach all the listed POIs to validate you brevet card and finish before noon on September 12th, 2021 in Bern you will be fine.




Yes, it means no outside assistance, no sleeping at home or at friend's houses and being able to deal with your mechanical issues as well as looking after yourself.




Check Points - POI

This year, in order to spice things up and make sure no one could copy last year’s fastest route, we decided on 7 check points (CPs) or POIs. These CPs have been chosen carefully and each of them will provide food for both mind and spirit. So, when planning your route, do not forget to include a stop at our 7 mandatory checkpoints (any order)...a quick stop to refuel.



race manual

Here is finally our  Race Manual (and Rider’s agreement) with all the rules and details… 

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